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Free Sermon Outlines for Preachers and Pastors


             Free Sermon Outlines for Preachers and Pastors             


JOASH  II Chro 24


·         Chosen King

-          He experienced a miracle escape

-          Exalted as a king

-          Hopelessness to hopefulness


·         Spiritual nurture

-          Grown in the temple

-          Taught by Jehoiada

-          He sought the Lord


·         Reformation/Restoration of the Temple

-          Cleaning

-          Setting thing right

-          How is your altar?

-          How is your temple?

-          Do you have time to pay attention to your spiritual care?


·         Good start but a bad end


-Peer group pressure

-Fellowship Godly/worldly

-Say no

-Joash paid the price and dishonored

-But God honored Jehoiada







 Ex. Jeroboam  I King 11:13, 37,28


·         God selected Jeroboam to be a king v 37

·         God commanded/expected to keep His ways v 38

·         His own plan/own idea/believe 12:27,28

·         Done evil things against God v 30

·         But God sent a prophet to warn him 13:1,4,5

·         Instead of turn to God-He got anger

·         God punished him v6

·         His hand was healed not his heart 14:9


Ex David

·         Evil plan of David II Sam 24:1, I Chro 21:1

·         It was against God I Chr 21:7

·         God warned David through his men v 4

·         Dis-obedience caused the death of 70,000 innocent people

·         But David repented for his acts v 17, 26,27





·        Obedient to God’s call  Gen 12:1


·        Love of his own people v18,32


 ·        Right choice by faith 13:9


·        Hospitality 19:1


·        Gave the best to God 22:2




Conviction of Paul: Rom 1:1-8


v  He is a servant of God   Rom 1:1

           -Meaning slave, a property of a master not a person

           -Goal of doing master's will alone

v  He is an Apostle

            -One who sent with a commission by God

v  He is a preacher of the Gospel

v  A Missionary to Gentiles


Concerns of Paul: Rom 1: 8-15


v  He was thankful for them & Respected them 1:8

v  He prays for them v.9, 10

v  He loves them   v.11,12

v  He was a debtor for the Gospel v.13,14

v  He wishes to be with them 1:15  


     Commitment & Confidence in the "GOSPEL"


v  Obligated to the Gospel of God   v16, 1:1

v  Believers the transforming power of the Gospel 1:16

v  Proud of the Gospel and not ashamed. 



v  Rom 3:20 No one is declared righteous

v  Rom 5:1 Justified through faith

v  Rom 8:1 There is no condemnation

v  Rom 12:1  Offer yourself us living sacrifice



Prayer the Dominant Elements

in  Samuel's life

      1Born in answer to prayer   1:10-18


  2)    Name Samuel means "Servant of God"


  3)     Prayer brings deliverance in Mispah  7:2-13


  4)     His prayer   8:21


 5)  Un-clearing prayer  12:23


Jeptha   : Judges 11


* No reputation to live     Judges 11:1

 * Neglected by family & society    v 11:2

 * Rejection leads to wrong fellowship    v 11:3


 q   His faith    Juges 11:9


q   His prayer  Juges 11:11


q  Challenge    Juges 11:27


q  God's Power   Judges 11:29


q  God's victory  Judges  11:32,33,36




    * God remembered him   Gen.8:1


   * God accepts him sacrifice  Gen. 8:21


   * God blessed him  Gen.9:1



The Early Missionary Abraham Faced

v Economic Problem

·        Famine Gen 12:10


v Cultural Problem makes him alien v 11-20


v Inter-Personal relationship 13: 6-8


v Insecurity

·        Persecution


v  Political Oppression 14: 8-16

·        Administrative


v Fruitless ness (leads to take decision in flesh) 16:2


v Corruption and wickedness in the society 18:20-23


v Separation from the Children Gen 21:11,12






v  Weak in his devotions Gen 13:5



v  Worldly in his desires Gen 13:10



v  Wrong in his decisions Gen 13:11




        Lot's Spiritual Backslide 


v Set his eyes on the world Gen 13:10

v  Pitches his tent toward Sodom   Gen 13:12

 v  Began to dwell  in Sodom  Gen 19:1

 v Sat in the city gate (Identification with the wicked)

v So, he lost his property

v  Partner

v Testimony

v Faith





v His walk was challenged


v His witness was challenged


v The worship was challenged



 SAUL (I Sam 9)

He is a Benjaminite, son of Kish, Rich, influential man,

most handsome, impressive, taller


* Chosen Saul   I Sam 9:20, 10:1

                  -Humble 9:12, 10:27

                  -Greedless        10:32

                  -God was with him 10:7

                  -Ordinary, fearful 10:22

*New Saul  10:9

                  -New experience with God

                  -God’s spirit upon him 11:6

                  -Zeal for God 14:39

*Blessed and Victorious Saul


* Disobeyed Saul 13:9,13

*Lustful Saul/Fallen Saul

                  -Lust 15:9

                  -Pride 15:12

                  -Lie 15:13

                  -Sin v19

*Thrown Saul 15:22,23

                  -God was grieved that the made Saul as king v 16

                  -Evil spirit came to him v14

                  -Fear came upon him 18:12,15

                  -Attempt to murder David 19:20

                  -Killed God’s servants 22:18

                  -Troubles in heart 28:5

                  -humiliated death 31:3,4

SIN is the cause of all destructions.

 Security  vs  In-security

 Christianity is nothing but relationship

What makes our relationship strain?

God's spirit will not strive for even Gen 6:3

God always gives a 2nd chance


           14. Noah

Noah found favour from God, Why?

Righteous, blameless, waked with God

Do not walk ahead or in distance

God told him something abnormal but very serious

He did what the Lord said to him

He believe and obeyed Gen 6:22, 7:5

God gave a final change for 7 days v 7:10

God shut the door letting Noah in

God shut the door letting Virgins out


He is still waiting

Let him who is holy continue to be holy...Rev 22:11

He is coming


15. Ruth


Blessed are those who take refuge in Him  Ps 2:12

 In those days Israel has no King: every

one did as he saw fit” Judges 21:25


  • Ruth 1:1  Famine Deut 28:8-   God's commands......

-what to do with famine I King8:37,38 Pray......

  • But Elimalech left God's place with milk and honey

Deut 7:1, 8:1 do not go have relation ship with the heathen

  • Went to moab? who is moab?  Gen. 19:37, Num 25:1

Obadiah 1:1

  • Elimalech means God is my king but he left the KING

and stayed in a heathen land

  • He died. Children married to Moabites and died
  • Heard the good news  v 1:6 left Moab to Bethlehem
  • Faith of  Ruth
  • Acts of Ruth
  • Blessings of Ruth


16. Nehemiah


Specific Report-leads him to mourn ,fast and pray


Specific confession-accepting it as his own


Specific claims-promises


Specific time-Lord, today



17. Jehu a half hearted hero!


 a. Chosen by God 9:3


b. Commissioned by God 9:7


c. Carried out God’s command


d. Obeyed God half heartedly


e. Lost God’s blessings

18  Heb. 11:24  Faith of Moses

1.      A Faith that shows maturity


2.      A faith that chose


3.      A faith that leads to action


4.      A faith that suffers hardship


5.      A faith that leads to triumph

19. A man who walked with God


Gen Chapt 5 gives the following details


a. Age of the person

b His first born

c. Life span

d Other children

e. any remarks.

Seventh man in the list was Enoch. 

Only 17 verses tells about his life

But he was a great man of God, How?


  1. Birth: When Adam was nearly 600 yrs old when

      Enoch was born. He would have good  talk with

      Adam and his experience.


2. Conversion: After the birth of his son Methuselah

           he walked with God Methuselah means Judgment

           will come.   Jude   1:14,  Acts 10:35   Heb 11:5b


      3. His Testimony   Heb 11:5


      4. He was a Prophet Jude 14,15


      5. He was translated  Heb 11:5




20 Martha and Mary Lk 10:39-42



q     Chosen the better to listen to God,

 q     to wait on Him, to be with Him

 q     Better priority

 q     Un-perishable option



 q     Distracted

 q     Worried about many things

 q     Got up with self pity which leads

            -to criticizing others

    `     -began to dictate Jesus

-did not listen Jesus






An un-educated fisherman

Introduced to Jesus by Andrew  Jn 1:42

Walked on water Mat 14:28

Confessed Christ' deity Mat 16:13

Transfiguration experience Mat 17:1

Try to counsel Jesus  n 13:6

Paid the tax Mat. 18:12,27

Dis-owned Jesus  Mat. 26:69-75

His character is like " reeds in a water current"

A man who follows the crowd never

followed by a crowd.

1. Are you Genuine? 

In Mat 26:35  Peter gave a very big statement

 but within a short period, he disowned Jesus.

He did not pay much attention to what he said

He had great statement but shallow commitment  

what about you?

Are you authentic? Or

One Korean Pastor told   the Church if do not follow

what you sing you are a liar.

Peter was not genuine

2. Do you have consistency in your life?

Peter's life had many up and downs.

He walks on water then he  drawn into the water.

Confessed the deity of Jesus then disowned Him

Followed immediately then followed Him distantly

went to fishing

Do you have consistency?


3. Peter was selfish in nature. Ra eykpf;f ngJU

 Mat. 17:1 he suggested to put tents

Mat. 26:33 he boasted himself

Mat 26:58  followed him in a distant  not ready to suffer

 Monument  tells one's glory

But alter reminds our sacrifice

Thief says " whatever yours is mine"

Priest  - Whatever I have is mine ie mine is mine

Samaritan- whatever I have is your


 He met Jesus eye to eye

God Changed Him

He became the pillar of the Church











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