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Good disciples are always involved in Evangelism.

   Good disciples are always involved in Evangelism.   Matthew 21:1-11


We have beautiful lessons from the Palm Sunday story. Please note some of the good qualities of the disciples. We need to follow these characters in our lives to be His disciples.

1.      Ears to listen. Vss. 1-5

Jesus gave specific instructions to His disciples regarding the donkey and colt. He undoubtedly told them to go to a particular village and what to say to the villagers etc.

Jesus is always specific in his direction and commands. We need an ear to listen and follow, listen and obey. While proclaiming the Gospel, God will give you the needed message and words Luke 12:12. The first step in the Evangelistic mission is to listen to the Master, then follow his guidelines for success.


2.      Feet to go. Vs. 6a

The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. A soldier always obeys his master’s command without delay, question and immediately. In the same way, we have to obey God in doing His work. God needs feet for him to do His ministry. Willingness and obedience will lead to success.


      3. Will to obey. Vs. 6b-7

V 7 They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. The disciples did not ask any questions but obeyed and did as per the instructions of Jesus and finished their given mission successfully. Do not give way to always your rationality. Know that the instructions of God will be fruitful. Our mind may ask the question why? How? What? But obey as per the directions of the Lord.


3.      Possessions to share. Vss. 7-8


 V8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The disciples gave their possession for the Lord’s journey, so the crowd followed it and gave their cloaks to their King. When Jesus saw the great multitude in the wilderness ( Matt. 14:13-21) he had compassion on them and commanded his disciples to feed them. A small boy came forward to share his possession ( 5 loaves of bread and two fishes) and God used it and feed all the people around Him. It is very essential to share our possession first while fulfilling the mission of God, then all will be blessed and will have more than what we need.


4.      Lips to proclaim. Vss. 9-11

V 9 he crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”…11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” God needs o0ur lips to proclaim about the King of Kings. When the people asked the question, who is this? They proclaimed boldly that Jesus the King. He was the servant King who came and died for us and going to come again as King to judge the world.

May the Lord help us to practice what we mediated right now.





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