Why Mission of Christ? ( Rev. Dr. E. Rajan)
Christ was the first missionary sent by the Father to
redeem mankind. He loved the people so much that he sent only His begotten
son. The author of missionary work is God himself. As a saved people of God, we
do proclaim the Good News to everyone due to the Love. We do it because He
commanded us to do it. Evangelism or soul winning is the work of God given to us.
1) mission is THE PROMISE of
god (Gen 12:1-3)
After the
fall of the human, God planned to send a saviour to crush the head of the enemy
Gen.3:15 Rom 16:20. God has promised to bless all nations (or people groups) on
the earth through a chosen person, a chosen community.
2) Mission is THE PURCHASE of
christ (REV 5:9)
Jesus paid
the penalty of our sins in the cross. We are washed by the blood of Jesus, so, you were bought at
a price (1 Cor.6:20). Jesus has already purchased
people from every tribe and nation with His blood. Rev. 5:9 …because
you were slain, and with your blood, you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and
out of the 790 crores of people on the planet, among them 400 crores are
without a saving relationship with Christ. 240 Crores did not hear the gospel
through lack of missionaries. 2000 years ago God commanded to Go but today
people groups are welcoming Christian missionaries to Come. Really responding to
the Gospel throughout the world is marvellous. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful.
FEW in the mission (MATT 9:37)
Only one
in every 20,000 believers will ever take the gospel to those who are out of
reach of the church. However, only 2.5% of all the 430,000 missionaries are
working in the 10/40 Window. More labourers are needed in continent Asia,
especially North Africa, Middle East, India, Russia and eastern Nations.
5) Mission is needed to save
THE LOST (JOHN 3:18; JOHN 14:6)
The Great
Commission is necessary for people to hear and be saved. Eternity with or
without Christ makes missions not only important but urgent. John 3:18 …but whoever does
not believe stands condemned already.
Math. 25:46 …These will go away into eternal
punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. It is our responsibility to
save the people from eternal destruction.
6) Mission of God needs humans
to fulfil his plan
We do
hear the Gospel from someone. Every time someone comes to Christ in Scripture, there is a human messenger involved. The Church is the means. God used a human
messenger in the plan of Salvation. Therefore. His children are necessary for
His Missions and Evangelism. God chose Abraham to bless Israel and Israel to
the whole world.
ROLE IN eVANGELISM (ACTS 1:8, 10, 15, ROM 15:20)
The early
church has given us a model to follow. They went out, sent out their own missionaries
like Paul and Barnabas, and evangelized the Gentiles beyond the reach of the
gospel in their world. The Church is responsible for World
Evangelism. The church is the light to the
world and salt to the Earth.
8) mission of God’ will be
fulfilled (Rev. 7:9, 21:24-26)
Rev. 7:9, ‘After this I looked, and there before
me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe,
people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their
hands. So because we see a great
multitude gathered around the throne from every tribe, people, and nation – we
must labour to begin with this end in mind, bringing it into reality as God
uses us to fulfil it.
9) WE are ACCOUNTABLE in the mission of God (2 Cor. 5:10)
2 Cor. 5:10 ‘For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for
the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. Here is a passage that will cause you to re-evaluate
life. The people of God, meant to be a blessing to the world, were held
accountable for not warning others of the danger coming (Ezekiel2:17). Here is
Jesus’ measuring standard. It’s like a blessing and obedience math formula. Our
accountability may be based on our resources, our understanding, or our ability
– more given equals more expected (Luke 12:47-48).
10) Mission is THE COMMANDS OF
28:18-20; ACTS 1:8, 13:47; JOHN 20:21)
The Great
Commission is the foundation for evangelism and cross-cultural missions work.
Because the Lord gave final instructions for his followers to go to all
nations and that he would be with them even until the very end of the
age, Christians of all generations have embraced this command I hope we can all stand before him in the end and hear
him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
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